Elizabeth Rose
Medieval Romance Author
Website: Elizabeth Rose
Elizabeth Rose is the author of medieval, paranormal, fantasy and contemporary novels. While based on romance, her novels have complex plots, action and suspense. She loves writing bad boy tortured heroes and empowered feisty heroines.
Her books have won rave reviews, and been seen on The History Channel as well as Wild Chicago. She has been a Sapphire Award finalist, and been nominated by Romantic Times for a Reviewer’s Choice Award.
She is also a freelance artist and photographer, and has designed and created all her own e-book covers as well as used some of her own photography on her print books.
She has several series: The Legacy of the Blade Series, Elemental Series, Tarnished Saints Series, and Greek Myth Fantasy Series.
Elizabeth’s trademark is a rose on the cover of each of her books. This lets you know it is her work, since there are other authors by the same name. She also ends each novel with the title of the book being the last words of the story.
Watch for Elizabeth’s next novel, coming soon by visiting her website for updates at elizabethrosenovels.com
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